Help with Online Safety

Having a mobile phone and going online is great for lots of reasons but it’s important to be aware of the dangers too.

Going on the internet allows you to connect to other people, be creative and discover new things on a smartphone, tablet or laptop/computer. Despite lots of fun and interesting things to do online, it is really important to stay safe and be aware of the risks.

Some tips to stay safe online include:

  • Think before you post – don’t upload of share anything you wouldn’t want your parents/carers, teachers or employer to see. Once something is posted, you lose control of it; especially if someone else screenshots it.
  • Don’t share personal details – keep information such as your address, phone number, school/college and date of birth private. It is also important to check what people can see in your privacy settings.
  • Watch out for scams – phishing is when someone tries to trick you into giving them personal information such as your password. Never click links from emails or messages that tell you to log in or share your details. Even if you think something is genuine, if you’re asked to log into a website, click off the email/message and go directly to the app or website.
  • Think about who you’re talking to – people can try and trick you into trusting them online. Even if you like and trust someone you’ve met online never share any personal information with them such as your full name, address or where you go to school or college
  • Keep your information secure – use strong passwords, keep your apps and devices up to date and make sure you log out of your accounts when you’re using public or shared devices.
  • Clean your feed – if you’re regularly seeing posts on social media that make you feel sad, angry, stressed or upset if can begin to have a negative impact on your life. By unfollowing or removing posts and accounts that make you feel down it will create a more positive environment for you.
  • Limit your time online – especially before you go to sleep and when you first wake up. Apps like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube make it easy to track your time online whether you’re on iOS or Android.

The information below provides helpful advice, guides and videos to help you think about how you can manage your safety online.


Articles & Guides

Help & Advice for 4-11 year olds

Helpful information and guidance on a range of key online safety topics

Help & Advice for 11-18 year olds

Helpful information and guidance on a range of key online safety topics

Online and mobile safety for young people

Childline provide some really useful help and advice around online and mobile safety

Online safety resources for 11- 19 year olds

UK Safer Internet Centre have pulled together a range of films, games, quizzes and advice to help you to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.

Social Media and Mental Health

Young Minds have developed a guide for young people about social media and mental health


Tips for young people to stay safe online

The Council for Disabled Children and the Anti-Bullying Alliance have been working with groups of young people in Bristol and Bradford about cyber bullying and staying safe online.

Online Safety Animation

UK Safer Internet Centre have produced a handy animation to explain some of the challenges of online safety


Local information about services available to support your mental health